Isradipino [Spanish] en es it fr


Isradipino [Spanish] Marchi, Isradipino [Spanish] Analoghi

Isradipino [Spanish] Marchi miscela

  • No information avaliable
  • Isradipino [Spanish] Formula chimica


    Isradipino [Spanish] RX link

    Isradipino [Spanish] FDA foglio

    Isradipino [Spanish] DMS (foglio di materiale di sicurezza)

    Isradipino_[Spanish] MSDS

    Isradipino [Spanish] Sintesi di riferimento

    P. Neumann, US Pat. 4,466,972 (1984)

    Isradipino [Spanish] Peso molecolare

    371.387 g/mol

    Isradipino [Spanish] Temperatura di fusione

    168-170 oC

    Isradipino [Spanish] H2O Solubilita

    Praticamente insolubile (<10 mg / L a 37 ° C)

    Isradipino [Spanish] Stato


    Isradipino [Spanish] LogP


    Isradipino [Spanish] Forme di dosaggio

    Capsule (2,5 mg o 5 mg)

    Isradipino [Spanish] Indicazione

    Per la gestione di ipertensione. Può essere usato da solo o in concomitanza con diuretici tiazidici.

    Isradipino [Spanish] Farmacologia

    Isradipina, il più potente inibitore dei canali agente bloccante della classe diidropiridinici, è simile alla nifedipina, amlodipina e felodipina. Si lega ai canali del calcio con alta affinità e specificità e inibisce il flusso di calcio nel muscolo cardiaco e liscio. Gli effetti osservati negli esperimenti in vitro e meccanicistica studiata negli animali intatti e l'uomo sono compatibili con questo meccanismo d'azione e sono tipici della classe.

    Isradipino [Spanish] Assorbimento

    Isradipina è del 90% -95% assorbito ed è soggetto a vasto metabolismo di primo passaggio, determinando una biodisponibilità di circa il 15% -24%.

    Isradipino [Spanish] Tossicita

    Sintomi di sovradosaggio includono letargia, tachicardia sinusale, e ipotensione transitoria. Mortalità significativa è stata osservata nei topi trattati con dosi orali di oltre 200 mg / kg e conigli trattati con circa 50 mg / kg di isradipina. Ratti tollerato dosi di oltre 2000 mg / kg, senza effetti sulla sopravvivenza.

    Isradipino [Spanish] Informazioni paziente


    For those patients who have high blood pressure, and is sometime used to treat angina
    (chest pains).

    General Information

    This information is for educational purposes only. Not every known side effect, adverse
    effect, or drug interaction is in this database. If you have questions about your medicines,
    talk to your healthcare provider.

    Proper use of this medicine

    Take this medicine exactly as directed. This medicine is normally taken once daily. It is
    taken orally and may be taken with or without food. The extended-release tablet and capsule
    should be swallowed whole. Do not chew, divide, or crush the extended-release tablet or

    Missed Dose

    Take your next dose as soon as you remember. If it is time for your next dose, skip the
    missed dose and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double doses.


    Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of reach of
    children. Store it at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture. Throw away
    any medication that is outdated or no longer needed.

    Possible Side Effects

    If you experience other bothersome side effects, contact your health care provider.
    Some common side effects reported with this medicine include:


    Do not stop suddenly stop this medicine without talking to your doctor.
    This medicine can cause dizziness. Use caution when operating a motor vehicle.


    Seek medical attention immediately. For non emergencies, contact your local or regional
    poison control center

    Drug Interactions

    Tell your doctor and pharmacist about all other medicines that you are taking, including
    non-prescription medicines, nutritional supplements, or herbal products.


    If you suspect that you may be pregnant, talk to your doctor. There are no clear answers,
    but animal studies suggest caution during pregnancy, and use should only be when risks are
    outweighed by possible benefits. For nursing mothers, it is not known if amlodipine is
    excreted in breast milk, so caution is recommended.

    More Information

    For more information about this medicine, talk to your healthcare provider.

    Isradipino [Spanish] Atto interessato organismi

    Gli esseri umani e altri mammiferi